Festival Bag Essentials – with The Cambridge Satchel Company


As part of our Headline Partnership with iconic local brand The Cambridge Satchel Company, we thought it only right we gave you our top tips on what to fill your beautiful bags with when you join us this Sunday.

Remember that small bags are allowed on-site at The Cambridge Club Festival, so you can ensure you’ve got your essentials packed to make your day comfortable, easy and as enjoyable as ever!

Here are our top 5 festival essentials we would recommend you pack when attending this year:

1. Sunscreen

Obviously we’re fun and funky, but safety always comes first! Despite the horrible rain we’ve had this week, it looks like the sun is going to shine through for us on Sunday. We always do our best to book the weather for you, and we’re hoping this year is no exception.

The easiest way to ruin a festival experience is with sunburn - so regardless of what it looks like on Sunday morning, we recommend you lather up beforehand and bring some with you to keep you burn-free while you’re boogie-ing, and sun-safe for Sister Sledge.


2.  Sunglasses

Now that we know the sun is coming and we are on the subject, our next item makes complete sense to pack in your bag (or The Cambridge Satchel company satchel!). Sunglasses are an essential at any festival - not just for protecting your eyes from the sun, but for the groovy look too of course!

Shades allow you to get ‘Lost In Music’, whilst reducing the amount of squinting you have to do. Although they will probably on your head for most of the evening, when it’s all over and the sun goes down, they’re a daytime must - and become a firm feature of our festival satchel essentials.


3. Wet Wipes

If you’ve every been to a festival - especially a wet one - you’ll never fail to pack wipes again. It’s a must for the mud, and due to the wet weather we’ve had this week there’s going to be a bit of that around (we strongly recommend wearing wellies by the way)!

There’s nothing quite so glamorous as a wet wipe wash in a field, it’s a rite of passage for any festival goer. So bring a pack and you can keep clean despite the conditions, safe in the knowledge any mucky mits (especially from the kids!) are dealt with easily.

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4. Fancy Dress

We have introduced a Superheroes fancy dress theme for the kids this year. We aren’t entirely sure how the adults are going to take to it just yet, but just in case we suggest you bring something Superhero-ey with you to make sure you aren’t left out. Why let the kids have all the fun ey? A bag or satchel is ample room for a lycra Superman costume to fold up into, and what better way to stroll gloriously onto the festival site for the day?


5. Bottle of Water

Staying hydrated is really important when you’re outside in the sun (fingers crossed!) all day - especially if you’re partial to a drink in the way we are when we party too! A bottle of water is also the only drink we allow to be brought into the festival (providing it is sealed though, so please make sure it’s a fresh one - or bring an empty bottle to fill up on-site).

Keeping you all healthy and happy whilst you’re on-site is of the utmost importance to us, so please make sure you bring a bottle with you on Sunday. You can refill them at water points across site too, as we want to make sure we reduce needless plastic consumption at our festival - so one is enough, empty or sealed!

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There you have it then, our Top Tips for packing a festival bag (or a satchel from our partners, The Cambridge Satchel Company, if that’s your carrier of choice!). We can’t wait to see you all next year…


the cambridge satchel company