THANK YOU for an incredible CC Festival 2024

What. A. Weekend. 💖🕺

The Cambridge Club 2024, you were magic… Music & memories to cherish forever!

Thank you to everyone who came & danced their socks off & sang their lungs out with us. You brought that shiny CC energy every day, and the sun smiled back (mostly…) ☀️.

The biggest love to all of our amazing audience, artists, partners, sponsors & the team behind the scenes who make it happen. Same again next year please?! x


How was your experience this year? Fill out our survey for your chance to win tickets for CC25! 🎟🎉

Let us know how we did! What were the best bits, what could have been better, which elements scored 100 on the Discometer of festival fun, and which parts could do with a tad of a tweak for next year…

THANK YOU once more to everyone who made CC so special this year. Against the backdrop of a challenging year for our industry, you turned out to support us, to boogie on down, and to bring some rays of sunshine – both literal & metaphorical. We are blessed to have such an awesome audience & team, all our love to you x

Strawberries Creem